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El sistema de aviso de colisión Kalmar mejora la seguridad en las terminales de Maher

El sistema de aviso de colisión Kalmar mejora la seguridad en las terminales de Maher

7 junio 2024

Terminals Going Green with Made-in-America Kalmar TX Electric Terminal Tractor

Terminals Going Green with Made-in-America Kalmar TX Electric Terminal Tractor

21 marzo 2024

Turning sceptics into advocates: Cabooter Group sparks enthusiasm with Kalmar Electric Reachstacker

Turning sceptics into advocates: Cabooter Group sparks enthusiasm with Kalmar Electric Reachstacker

4 febrero 2024

Light Electric Forklifts working like a dream for concrete product supplier S:t Eriks

Light Electric Forklifts working like a dream for concrete product supplier S:t Eriks

4 diciembre 2023

Milestone for cutting CO2: Kalmar’s 600th hybrid straddle carrier to be welcomed in Rotterdam

Milestone for cutting CO2: Kalmar’s 600th hybrid straddle carrier to be welcomed in Rotterdam

21 noviembre 2023

The T2i Terminal Tractor serves the maritime heart of the Maldives

The T2i Terminal Tractor serves the maritime heart of the Maldives

1 octubre 2023

Kalmar Eco Reachstacker saving fuel at Vollers Hamburg GmbH

Kalmar Eco Reachstacker saving fuel at Vollers Hamburg GmbH

21 agosto 2023

Pioneering sustainable evolution: Cabooter leads the way with our first ever electric reachstacker

Pioneering sustainable evolution: Cabooter leads the way with our first ever electric reachstacker

19 julio 2023

From zero to 100: STL's path to becoming Uruguay's largest multi-brand logistics operator.

From zero to 100: STL's path to becoming Uruguay's largest multi-brand logistics operator.

22 junio 2023

Rock-solid choice times ten: Finnish heavy equipment service opts for Kalmar forklifts again

Rock-solid choice times ten: Finnish heavy equipment service opts for Kalmar forklifts again

18 junio 2023

Automated truck handling: The last link in terminal automation

Automated truck handling: The last link in terminal automation

7 mayo 2023

Balticon makes a smart investment with two T2i terminal tractors

Balticon makes a smart investment with two T2i terminal tractors

23 marzo 2023

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